Natura Glow


Natura Glow

Natura Glow is a  carefully blended mix of high quality herbs that promotes good condition of your horse's skin and coat and also helps with overall condition.

The herbs in this mix are as follows: Red Clover, Spearmint, Nettle, Fenugreek Seeds, Marigold Flowers, Seaweed and Golden Rod.

Red clover is an excellent remedy for skin disorders such as sweet itch. Red clover can also be used as a tea to treat conditions such as mange. 

Marigold flowers are also known as the ‘golden treasure’. They are useful for most minor skin problems and can help with fungal infections and injury cleansing. A marigold infusion (tea) is useful for thrush, also as a wash for ringworm.

Golden rod, also known as Woundwart - has cleansing properties and an anti-fungal effect. It is also a beneficial digestive aid. 

Recommended daily. Introduce gradually.

Ponies 30g per day. Horses 45g per day.



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